AVID Home Entertainment

Van Nuys, CA
38 Releases in Db


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Bflocket 3 years 8 months ago
They were the company that distributed some EP/LP tape versions of USA/Monterey/IVE/etc. They also distributed one each (that I know of) from the two hostesses - Elvira/Thriller with NATAS the Reflectiom and Sybil/Adventure with Ninja Warriors. I don't know if the companies are tied together or not, but AVID released the budget releases several years after first released. Kind of how a lot of Media titles wound up on Video Treasures.
LiveEye57 3 years 4 months ago
I can confirm this was a sublabel of LIVE -- the Avid logo was trademarked by them and all Avid releases were copyrighted to Live Home Video on the back of the box.
ape 2 years 7 months ago
I collect Avid release tapes and own over 90 different releases. I know there are at least 10-20 that I don’t own that I have seen online and other vhs groups. I would upload a picture on here if it were possible.