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The Thief Who Came to Dinner

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VHS | N/A | Clamshell
N/A | N/A | N/A
N/A | N/A
The Thief Who Came to Dinner (1973)

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Additional Information
Webster and Laura took everything they wanted ... each other ... and a diamond worth $6.000.000.

Webster McGee (Ryan O'Neal) is a computer programmer who abruptly quits his job and adopts a life of crime as a jewel thief in Houston, Texas.
For his first job he robs rich businessman Henderling (Charles Cioffi), stealing from him not only money, but also files with information that could destroy Henderling's career. McGee uses them to blackmail him but instead of money he asks for introduction into high society -- aiming to find a way to rob other rich houses.
He soon meets Laura (Jacqueline Bisset) at a society function hosted by Henderling. She falls in love with McGee and then helps him to burglarize several friends of Henderling.
Texas Mutual Insurance investigator Dave Reilly (Warren Oates) is intent on identifying Webster as the jewel thief, but in the course of investigation Reilly and McGee develop a sort of friendship. Reilly must decide whether to be loyal to his job or his new friend.


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