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Chilly Scenes of Winter

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VHS | N/A | Slipcase
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Head Over Heels (1979)

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A romantic comedy for all seasons.

Love does strange things to people. And Charles is a little strange to begin with.

Charles is a Salt Lake City civil servant who loves (*LOVES*) Laura, a lovely housewife with a lovely step-daughter and an A-frame-selling, ex-quarterback husband named Ox. His roommate is "an unemployed jacket salesman," his mother is a spacey, laxative overdosing, overly eccentric basket-case, his perpetually happy sister finds love in the dorkiest of guys, his step-father has a jones for Turtle Wax and his boss asks him for advice about his Ivy League son's sexual problems. He listens to Janis Joplin and dreams of getting Laura back once and for all. He does everything in his power to win her back from Ox, and the lengths he goes to provide the structure of the film in this bittersweet romantic comedy...a film that explores what happened to the Woodstock generation when they transcended their idealism (i.e. it was expected that they fall in love and face the music of routine). Charles is perhaps the quintessential saint of this ideology

Release Date: October 19, 1979 @ Trans Lux East , M,anhattan

Distrib: United Artists

UA Classics saved this film from oblivion by changing its title and rereleasing it in a recut version in 1982.


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