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So Fine

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VHS | N/A | Clamshell
N/A | N/A | N/A
N/A | N/A
So Fine (1981)

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NYC dress manufacturer Jack (Jack Warden) is in debt to loan shark "Mr Eddie" (Kiel), who tells Jack that Jack's son Bobby must join the firm as "new blood", despite Bobby's complete lack of knowledge of the dress business, and current career as a Professor of American Literature at a small liberal arts college. Kidnapped by two of Eddie's goons, Bobby is forced to come back to the city and join his father's business. Bobby complicates matters by falling in love with Mr Eddie's neglected wife, the cultured "Lira". After a late night tryst at the home of Eddie & Lira, Bobby invents the solution to his father's problem: see-through denim blue jeans with strategically placed holes in the rear that expose one's backside. The fickle public goes crazy over the "sexy" new style. "Fine Fashions" repays Eddie, and Bobby goes back to his college. Lira follows him, Eddie finds out about them, he head to the school, Jack follows anxiously, and the last quarter of the film involves Lira stepping in for an ill singer at the school's version of Othello, Eddie knocking out the male lead to play Othello, and Jack and Bobby doing their best to stay alive, protect Lira from her jealous Moor, and working things out.

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