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A Night in Heaven

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A Night in Heaven (1983)

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In class, he's just another face in the crowd. In "Heaven," the hottest dance club in town, he's the main attraction.

Faye Hanlon is a community-college professor with an emotionally depressed husband and an abundance of sexual frustration. Her sister drags her to a male strip-club for a girls-night out, where she discovers that one of the dancers is her failing student Rick Monroe, a.k.a. "Ricky the Rocket". A heated affair between teacher & student ensues, as Faye struggles to reconcile her emotions and make consequential life choices: Continue her lustful sessions with the studly-but-shallow teen stripper? Or break it off with Ricky & work to salvage her marriage to the loving-but-distant husband?

Release Date: November 18, 1983

Distrib: 20th Century Fox

A laughable film that made Fox's December release TWO OF A KIND look like a masterpiece.


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