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The Last American Hero

Catalog Number
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VHS | N/A | Slipcase
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Hard Driver (1973)

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It took him 20 years to find out who he was and 2 laps to let the world know.

Junior Jackson (Jeff Bridges) learns how to ride fast and hard while delivering moonshine on southern backroads. Soon he’s winning NASCAR races and rising to the top of his field.

Release Date: July 27, 1973

Distrib: 20th Century Fox

Jeff Bridges made some very interesting 70s films-but none set the boxoffice on fire. This film was re-released a number of times under titles HARD DRIVER and THE ADVENTURES OF THE LAST AMERICAN HERO -but failed each time although it was acclaimed by many.

Trivia: In relation to this film what 2 things do Jeff and Beau Bridges have in common besides being brothers?

Which Bridges son did more movies with their father Lloyd?


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