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Catalog Number
Primary Distributor (If not listed, select "OTHER")
Release Year
VHS | SP | Slipcase
118 mins (NTSC)
N/A | N/A | N/A
N/A | N/A
The Jesus Film (1979)

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The man you thought you knew

Release Date: March 28, 1980

Distrib: Warner Brothers

Boxoffice: $8,000,000

Warner Brothers began releasing this regionally in October 1979. In essence they then had both the most blasphemous and the most relevant two movies about Jesus released in the same year. The other being Monty Python's THE LIFE OF BRIAN.

Trivia: There were only 4other films based on stories from the Bible released in theaters in the 80s. Can you name these films from their descriptions:

A) This one starred a 2 time Oscar winner working for the same director that she won her first Oscar with.

B) An actor who starred in an iconic 90s movie also starred in this Biblical epic and came very close to getting his first Oscar nomination this year.

C) The most controversial of the Biblical films this garnered its director a Director Oscar nom

D) An exploitational film based on a story in the Bible but sold on its sexuality from one of the most prolific studios of the 80s.

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