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Franz (1972)

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In this French romantic tragedy, introverted soldier Leon and the lovely Leonie fall in love, but unfortunately, poor Leon has been emotionally damaged by his overbearing mother and the horrors he endured while at war and is unable to keep their love alive.

The story takes place in a Belgium seaside town, at a boarding house for civil servants recovering from surgery and illness. The six male residents' lives change dramatically when two women arrive. Catherine is a lively, sexually liberated woman willing to kiss, dance, and sleep with the men. Leonie is reserved, formal, and conservative. Leonie finds herself attracted to Leon, a Belgian who was a mercenary in Katanga in 1964, He was wounded and carries psychological scars of war. The other men play practical jokes on Leon, some of them cruel. As Leon courts Leonie, his mother brings him emotional distress as do his memories of war. The unlikely pair struggle to get past these obstacles

Release Date: 1972



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