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At the Earth's Core

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VHS | N/A | Slipcase
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At the Earth's Core (1976)

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They're in it DEEP now!

Take the Most Terrifying Journey of Your Life !

4,000 miles to the center of the Earth to a world within a world

At the Earth's Core is a 1976 fantasy-science fiction film produced by Britain's Amicus Productions. It was directed by Kevin Connor and starred Peter Cushing, Caroline Munro, Philippa Herring and Doug McClure.[1] It was filmed in Technicolor. It was based on the fantasy novel At the Earth's Core, by Edgar Rice Burroughs, the first book of his Pellucidar series, in token of which the film is also known as Edgar Rice Burroughs' At the Earth's Core. The original music score was composed by Mike Vickers.

Release Date: August 27 , 1976

Distrib: American International

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