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The Adventures of Picasso

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VHS | N/A | Slipcase
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N/A | N/A
Picassos äventyr (1980)

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Tusen kärleksfulla lögner av Hans Alfredson och Tage Danielsson

Already in his childhood, Pablo Picasso show talent for painting and is sent to the Academy of Arts in Madrid. He becomes a painter but has to live in Paris in poverty. But one day he is discovered by a rich American millionaire and starts to earn money. But he wastes his talent by painting plates. He meets the famous people of the 1920s: Gertrude Stein, Alice B. Toklas, Appolinaire, Hitler and Churchill.

Release Date: August 24, 1980 @ Cinema I , Manhattan

Distrib: Dome Films

THE ADVENTURES OF PICASSO is beloved by many the world round. If Woody Allen had directed this in his "funny" years his recent MIDNIGHT IN PARIS would resemble this.

A fast paced comedy that children loved.


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